Adventures FAQs
Need more info? Still have a few questions even after checking here? Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you.
get to know AIL Ministry
Adventures was founded in October 1992 as a non-denomination, non-profit 501(c)3 missions organization.
We began our ministry in Ensenada in 1992, added Guadalajara in 1994 and Oaxaca in 1999. To this day we are continuing to serve in those same areas.
Adventures in Life is a short-term mission host receiver for both groups and individuals. Groups can serve with us in any of our cities, and we have opportunities for individuals in both Guadalajara and Oaxaca.
All of our mission and ministry is done through and under the direction of the local churches with whom we serve in Mexico. Groups serving with us will typically be part of a tangible project type of ministry. Think construction, or building. Our Men’s Ministry Week is 100% about helping local ministries improve their physical facilities. Our Health & Medical Clinics offer regular medical check ups, dental care, chiropractic care, eye glasses, a fully stocked pharmacy and family and individual portraits for people. People can serve alongside those ministries, or choose to serve in one of the various camp opportunities we help offer in each of our ministry cities. Group leaders can contact us to schedule a specific ministry week or opportunity.
You can drive to us in Ensenada, but if you are serving in either Oaxaca or Guadalajara, you will need to arrive by plane.
For most of our specific ministries, since we accommodate our schedule to local needs, yes. However, if you have a group and need a specific week or time frame, we have always tried to make that happen. Bottom line, we will do everything we can to get you scheduled at a time when your group can serve. So contact us!
We believe in holistic ministry or, the whole Gospel for the whole person. That means across our various ministries, we strive to help people maintain their spiritual health, physical health and economic health. Every ministry we do is part of our overall effort to address each person’s needs in those three areas.
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aIL Ministry basics
Yes you do. Whether you are serving in Ensenada, Oaxaca, or Guadalajara, you are required by Mexican law to have a valid passport.
The most important thing you can bring is a heart to go where ever, do what ever and be what ever in the name of Jesus for the good of the Kingdom. Everything else is secondary. Contact us for packing specifics on your particular ministry, but here’s a good rule of thumb… never bring more than you can carry and lift into an overhead bin by yourself.
Contact us to say you want to bring a group or serve with us and we will contact you ASAP to answer any additional questions and get you connected.
Your fees cover your ministry. That includes most meals, lodging, ground transportation, leadership, local salaries for leadership and translators, ministry supplies, offerings to local churches and insurance. Basically, after you show up, almost all your expenses are covered outside of sightseeing and souvenir shopping.
There is nowhere on earth that is 100% safe. Your hometown isn’t and neither is Mexico. However, we take your safety seriously and do everything we can to keep our groups safe. If we determine that a specific area is not safe, we avoid those areas. To date, in over 30 years all across Mexico, we’ve never had a serious accident or problem.
We started AIL back in 1992 to serve groups and we still do! So if you’re a group leader, contact us for more info or to schedule a specific ministry week.

on Site with Ail!
An ability to speak Spanish will certainly enhance your experience. But it is not a requirement. We always have translators and bi-lingual people onsite at all our ministry locations.
You can always drink the water with Adventures in Life. On all of our sites we provide plenty of good, safe, pure drinking water for all of our participants.
Our food is some of the best you will get in Mexico. All of the people cooking for AIL Ministry have been with us for years and have learned through experience how to maintain that balance between the Mexican and American palette.
AIL always has great connections in the medical communities where we serve, because we know that sometimes people do get sick. Whether it is in Ensenada, Oaxaca or Guadalajara, you can be sure that if the need arises, we will get you the necessary medical care so you can get better.
That depends on where you are serving and the specifics of your ministry. Generally, if you are in a camp setting, you’ll be in a dorm. If you’re serving on medical mission, you’ll have most of your time in a hotel. All of our site have hot and cold water for showers and flush toilets.
We do our best to get you some free time. However, you can always add an extra day or two, at an additional cost, to explore, learn about the local culture and get some extra souvenir shopping done.